Beyond Information: Creating Transformational Online Courses for Coaches and Consultants

In a transformation-based course like my Refocus Your Retreat Academy, I want to see evidence of retreat leaders not just understanding concepts, but actively applying them to create more impactful, well-designed retreats. They should be able to demonstrate improved retreat planning skills, increased confidence in their abilities, and tangible improvements in their retreat offerings.

As a coach or consultant, you know that true value lies in transformation, not just information. But how does this translate to the world of online courses? Let’s explore the difference between information-based and transformation-based courses, and how you can leverage the latter to scale your impact and your business.

Is your course informational or transformational?

Use the checklist below to find out.

The Pitfall of Information-Only Courses

Traditional online courses often fall into the trap of being purely informational. They might:

  • Focus solely on content delivery
  • Measure success by test scores or completion rates
  • Rely heavily on lectures and reading materials
  • Offer limited practical application
  • Measure results with completion rates.

While participants might, or might not, finish these courses feeling knowledgeable, they often struggle to apply what they’ve learned or see real change in their lives or businesses.

How many courses do you have unfinished?

The Power of Transformation-Based Courses

In contrast, transformation-based courses are designed to create lasting change. They:

  • Focus on behavior change and personal growth
  • Measure success by real-world results and achievements
  • Emphasize experiential learning and practical application
  • Provide abundant opportunities for hands-on practice

Participants in these courses don’t just learn – they evolve. They develop new skills, shift their mindsets, and see tangible improvements in their lives or businesses.

But how do you know?

Leveraging Transformation in Your Online Course

As a coach or consultant, your expertise lies in facilitating transformation. By creating a transformation-based online course, you can:

  1. Scale Your Impact: Reach more clients without sacrificing the quality of transformation.
  2. Leverage Your Time: Create deep change without needing to be present 24/7.
  3. Showcase Your Expertise: Demonstrate your ability to create results, even in an online format.
  4. Attract Ideal Clients: Draw in those who are serious about change, not just information-seekers.
  5. Justify Premium Pricing: Offer (and charge for) real results, not just content.

The REFOCUS Method: Transformation Built-In

This is where the REFOCUS method comes in. Unlike traditional course creation approaches, REFOCUS integrates transformation at every step. It ensures that your course:

  • Is Results-driven, focusing on tangible outcomes for participants
  • Engages learners through interactive, multi-modal content
  • Provides consistent Feedback, allowing for course correction and deeper learning
  • Is Outcome-focused, with clear milestones and celebrations of progress
  • Chunks information for optimal learning and implementation
  • Leverages your Unique expertise and approach
  • Spirals learning, revisiting key concepts for deeper integration

By using this method, you’re not just creating a course – you’re designing a transformational journey that showcases your unique approach and expertise.

Marla Martinez

Are you curious how I would deconstruct your online course?

From Course to Marketing Tool

Here’s the best part: a well-designed, transformation-based course becomes a powerful marketing tool. It allows you to:

  • Demonstrate your expertise through real results
  • Generate powerful testimonials and case studies
  • Create a “taster” of your full coaching or consulting experience
  • Build trust and credibility with potential high-ticket clients

Your course becomes a living example of the transformation you provide, making it easier to attract and convert ideal clients for your other offerings.

Ready to Transform Your Online Course?

If you’re ready to create an online course that truly represents your transformational abilities as a coach or consultant, it’s time to go beyond information. Embrace a method that builds in transformation from the ground up.

Let’s create courses that don’t just inform, but transform – scaling your impact, leveraging your time, and growing your coaching or consulting business in the process.

Information or Transformation

Information-Based Course Evidence

Transformation-Based Course Evidence